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Mapa Magnífico Douro

GPS Location: 41°11’22.1″N       7°32’39.1″W

In front of the entrance to the Vintage House Hotel in Pinhão, we have the iron bridge over the Douro River. To the left of the bridge there is a narrow road that goes down and passes under the bridge. Going there, the Magnifico Douro Pier is the third on your left, right in front of the garden gate of the Vintage House Hotel.

WARNING: Some incorrect GPS maps point you to the Vintage House Hotel. Do not do it. Follow the road parallel to the bridge and down to the river, passing under it. It is the third pier and has parking in front.


Rua Marginal do Pinhão
(in front of the Vintage House Hotel garden gate)
5085-037 Pinhão

Access by car

Coming from Régua: Just when getting out the bridge over the Douro river entering Pinhão, and before the railway, turn right, back, down, and going under the same bridge. The Magnífico Douro pier is the third on your left, In front of the Vintage House Hotel garden gate.

Access by car

Coming from Alijó or Sabrosa: Drive through all Pinhão, the railway station, the petrol station, cross the railway line, but do not enter the bridge, go left and down parallel to the bridge, passing under it. The Magnífico Douro pier is the third on your left, In front of the Vintage House Hotel garden gate.

Access by foot

Coming from Pinhão main pier: Walk along the waterfront 150 meters towards the bridge over the Douro. river The Magnífico Douro pier is In front of the Vintage House Hotel garden gate.